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Whether you call them story starters, adventure hooks, or illustrated writing prompts, Tales of the Incompletely Peculiar is an invitation to collaborative story telling. Each Steampunk or Sci-fi inspired image, along with its title and text, give a glimpse into a larger narrative that is left unfinished. It waits for you to complete the tale, to interpret it and give to it your own voice. It asks you for your participation and your imagination.

The inspiration for this series came from looking through old issues of Planet Stories from the 1930’s and 40’s. Leafing through those yellow, crackling pages of classic science fiction, my eyes would rest on the illustrations for the various stories, each with its own one or two-sentence caption. I found those little snapshots intriguing; they would send my imagination wandering with world-building questions and guesses as to how the story would unfold. Sometimes those wonderings were more satisfying than the story itself, because there is pure potential in the unfinished story. It can go anywhere, become anything. It’s that feeling of endless potential – that these illustrations, these little snapshots, could become a thousand different stories – that I try to capture with this series.

I invite you to let your imagination wander over these snapshots, and make these stories your own. Perhaps you want to complete the tale itself, decide what happens before or after this little glimpse in time, and take it in any direction you see fit. There is empowerment and self-discovery in getting to finish the story on your own terms. Or, perhaps there is something in one of these illustration – a detail, a phrase, a combination of words – that sets your mind towards a story of its own, perhaps a poem, or random musings, or another work or art. Imagine. Create. Write it down. Share it, or keep it to your wildest imagination. Or simply enjoy the mystery. Above all, have fun with it. There are no wrong responses.


About the Artist

I am and artist and art teacher from Tacoma, Washington. I have featured my artwork under the Monkey House Studio banner for the past seven years, displaying my work online and at various literary and comic conventions around the Pacific Northwest. I was recently awarded an arts fellowship from the Robert B. McMillan foundation for my work. In addition, I have taught visual arts at the high school level for sixteen years.

There was never a time that I can remember when I was not making art, not creating, not imagining. The main source of my inspiration has always come from science fiction and fantasy. As a genre, I believe it has the greatest potential for imagination, wonder, and empowerment. It can tell tales of imagined, far-off places while speaking to issues of the here and now, of what it means to be human.